Monday, August 30, 2010

Ahhh...The things we do...

The things we do on a Friday night when we are bored and have had a “couple” of glasses of red wine.
Tonight I have been getting “creative”. (I feel I may have to apologise later for my flagrant overuse of “quotation marks” in this blog).
My best friend just got her “L’s” yesterday. We lived together throughout our 20’s and neither of is had our license (we lived in inner city Melbourne, which is the BEST city for Public Transport and never felt the need to drive). I got my L’s when I was 25 and have driven sporadically since, but since having kids I have felt the need to get my license.
My bestie has felt this also, and has finally got her L’s as well.
Yay for her!
So to celebrate. I have combined a couple of her favourite things and come up with a masterpiece:

1)Splayds...Cutlery...Kind of like “Sporks”, but Australian.


 2)Rock- In the form of one of the best songs ever- “Ace of Spades” by Motorhead.

Do you see where this is going?

I have designed her a t-shirt that we can wear while driving to give us confidence and motivation to get our licenses.
And here it is: The Ace of Splayds.


See! I told you I get creative when I’ve had a couple!

What happens when you relax of a Friday or Saturday night, and have a glass of wine or 2? Do you get a bit "talkative", "reflective" "creative" or “whatever”?

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